Tuesday 20 April 2010

Beautiful Alone

Throughout my research for The Body as a Site of Cultural Representation, i became fascinated with things I'd never before thought twice about - human waste. After having looked at work by artists such as Karla Black and Mona Hatoum, I began to take notice of every day things such as the build up of hair in my hairbrush, chipped nail varnish on the coffee table, and the visual nightmare that is a dirty face wipe, used to take off the day's make up.. I was so intrigued how something that we initially use to make ourselves beautiful, could then appear so displeasing to the eye once it was no longer on the body. These traces left behind of our struggle to be beautiful made me think more about vanity, and why we need to be beautiful, what is it all about? And as I was lying in bed, alone, I rolled over onto the other side to that empty space, and for that moment I wished that the space wasn't empty. This need to be loved struck me as one of the things that drives our vanity, this desire we have to be beautiful. So for my exhibition piece, I went to bed one night with my full make-up, fake tan - the lot and fell asleep. In the morning when I took my sheet off the bed, what was left behind were marks, gorgeous marks where my body had lay, but only on one side of the bed, enhancing this idea of being alone, beautiful but alone. To this sheet I had to do something more, to reinforce this idea of beauty, so I chose to decorate the sheet with pearls, things that are not only classically beautiful, but that also have connotations of purity and sexuality. I spent the next few days sewing on pearls of various sizes, the process adding emphasis to the feminine ideas behind the work, and I finished the piece by sewing the words, 'beautiful', where my body lay, and, 'alone', where there lay no-one. I hope you like it.

Studio Installation - Site Place Context

After having experimented with drawing the landscape, I took my ideas back into the studio and thought about the space I was in, and how i might draw contours for the studio. This led me to take interest in what was happening within the space, between the walls and the floor for example, or between the floor and the furniture upon it. Taking inspiration from artists such as Monika Grzymala and Sharyn O'Mara, I started drawing out this relationship using black straws and graph/lined paper, as a sort of 3D line moving around the space, exploring different surfaces and planes. I set to work in my corner where I made a 3Dimensional drawing that tumbled from wall to plynth, plynth to floor, floor to chair..